Tuesday, July 3, 2012


Balutropolis has its own crimefighters, but the most prominent and highly visible was the BalutroPolice. They were supposedly there 24 hours a day 7 days a week, monitoring the city and keeping a close eye on potential evil-doers...and so we thought.

Lately we heard news that the criminal elements are rumored being protected by certain individuals within their ranks.Corruption has penetrated from way down below into the levels of the barangays up to the highest authority, the city Mayor.

No wonder there still exists rampant crimes. But since its the smallest city among the huge cities that surrounds its vicinity, these crimes never made it into mainstream media. It was such a small city that no news channel ever stationed a news patrol to cover any commotion happening within the four corners of the city.

Except of course for fires, and flash floods, and the eventual donation-giving sprees, majority of the events that unfold in Balutropolis never reaches the knowledge of the masses.

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